Saturday, October 07, 2006

First Management failure ...Desi Club

Walking down the road which all my plans usually do - This Long Week end plan also went down the pot.

As usual the culprits were absence of a team of a motivated set of 'son of the guns'. Suckers could not close upon the thought of driving all through the night to Quebec or taking a night stay in Ottawa or camping to algoquin provincial park and then since god had it against me or something Ticket Lock down day for CTFS got prolonged till 9.30 in the night. I had also explored the possibility of taking a solo trip to Nova Scotia/ Ottawa but its a 16 Hr Road trip or a 3 Hr flight for 300 CAD's which didn't suit my small pockets.

Left office at 9.45 Friday Night went to meet Tuss and AT at their place. Vineesh had already reached there heady already after a beer. Had a beer or two and finally explored the possibility to go on a drive trail in Ottawa. Specs - 6 Hrs 10 mins from Toronto and then around 100 km of driving trail across the shoreline on Quebec river. Called up on Dev to get his buying the bitch was nursing a headache. Took the car keys from him and came back to AT's Disco. Now this guy Dev is a aggressive shopper - He picked up a 5 speaker surround system in Toronto which is right now installed at Tuss's and AT's place. These speakers rant out the latest bollywood ball grinding numbers and provide solace to us for Friday night parties. Its our ' Tyagi Pan Shop' in Toronto which has been sked to shut down by the Toronto civic authorities and shift base to India to prevent anymore noise pollution. AT's going back to India this Sunday.

11.00 pm - Down 2 beers and hungry. Tuss fixes lijat papad and wafers with salsa sauce. I take over the kitchen and make fully loaded cheese omelets for every one. I cook/drive/talk great after 2 drinks. Have facts to prove this. Gorged the omelets with brown bread heated the Indian way on 'tawaa'. Love it this way. 'Toasted Bread' is no match against 'Tawaa Bread'.

11.30 pm - The Bug in AT's brain starts to move rhythmically. When this bug goes in circles its a sign of AT wanting a drink, When it goes quite - AT Eats, when it goes in just one direction not stopping traversing AT's Head to Ass its time to go on the Drive but when it moves rhythmically AT needs music - Desi Music from kajra re to back stabber to gabru. With good goggling skills At quickly churned out 'Besharam' [] - that's the name of the freaking club in Toronto which plays desi music (will talk about it a lil later). A quick show of hands for who wants to go. Ground Rule - no one's excused. So me, AT, Tuss and Vineesh take the car and head out. Now driving in Toronto is disciplined. If caught driving without a license you get the lock up and 250 $ fine.

Driver - Jaspal Sawhney down 3 drinks gets behind the wheel and take off. Driving ever so cautiously especially this is the first time I'm driving in Toronto. We reach the club. Azz called for something. Talked to her while others got into the line and entered. Thru with the call i eye the first stunner of the night - an awesome Punjabi chik - newly married wearing that set of red and white bangles a.k.a chura and sporting a micro mini. That's Real. period.

I enter - pay cover charge - 15$ and look out for the animals. The lounge section is empty more or less. So i move on to the floor section. I didn't know where the floor is but there was a lot of smoke there so i assumed that that's it. Reached there and saw the guys all ready to take on the crowd. Murga (Vineesh) as he would be hence forth called already half way in between 2 women dancing. We let him stay there and head to the bar and grab a Blue and i stand next to the walls on the floor and sip my drinks.

A lil bit about the history of besharam - Now apparently this club started as a Gay/Singles club - but since it played Desi music 'only' By only i mean they don't play even a single English number not even the hot pots. Instead the DJ would play hard Punjabi numbers. Indian Folk music Numbers. That's Unreal. Anyway so a lot of desi people and gays started turning out at this club and it became a hit. From then onwards the first Friday of every month is the 'Besharam' Night when Indian chiks just in their teens - 80 % of the crowd is 20 and below. The house is packed. Man on woman and yeah some man on man too :-D. I don't have an agenda about gays man. Its there life so no moonlighting being done here for any one of the schools of swinging.

Suddenly the music stops and i guess the owner comes to the upper level - lights shining on to him. The Dude is wearing a pink saree - no kiddin and its just the saree no other apparatus - so in short he's topless - the guy is rocking man. He introduces the flavor of the night - Garba - 2 women in chaniya choli - do garba on the upper level and then guy proclaims that the night is on - The DJ plays kajra re and the crowd gives out a loud Hoot and starts to dance. We get on one side of the floor and start to dance. The journey goes from kajra re to shamur to monsoon wedding to i see it baby !!. We dance till 3. Saw so many pretty 'Indian' girls. They were Indian in both body and soul. No comments.

Left the place at 3.10 am. Realized 3 things they are:-
1) The Indian community over here is for sure more tolerant of different mindsets. Which is a definitely is great experience to be a part off. I have found kids here more observant and receptive of other communities. They from the very first day interact with people from diff races/ thoughts/ perspective and are more accepting of them.

2) Funny thing which i observed on the floor - The most shriveled up of Indian women would be standing on the corner of the floor when you first look at them then suddenly after 2-3 songs you would still see them standing there in the corner but smooching a guy. Same was the case with some guys too but its ok - i don't want to talk about that. What goes into the dynamics for this social behavior i don't know. Perhaps i would write a book on the lines of 'Watching the English' - it would be 'Watching the Indians' - The unwritten rules of Indian behavior.

3) The moment we stepped out of the club i heard the most common phrase of my college, friends, foes - Bahin@#@# - So its like when in the club its goes like 'I'm cool man' and just outside the club its like the tonsils change drastically and its moves to expressing ardent love for someone's mothers and sisters.

Neways later guys - Have Dinner tonight at Bhai's place but yes Besharam club is to be a habit now.


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