Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Presenting Viral Videos

Not sure how many of you know what 'Viral Videos' are all about - but according to wiki 'The term viral video refers to video clip content which gains widespread popularity through the process of Internet sharing, typically through email or IM messages, blogs and other media sharing websites.'

So this is what me and a college friend of mine(he's has a knack for making amateur home videos - who knows he might be the next big porn director in the making) are planning to do. Try to go around the city and make some video's on my camera and post them online for you all punters.

We already have some stupid ideas in place :-
1) Go and do some random interviews in our companies about some serious topics like 'Gay Marriage in India' or 'Do u like your project manager?' or 'Did you test your code today?'
2) Real stupid idea - Strap the freaking camera to my friend's bike mud guard and go around for a ride - I stand to loose my camera for sure in this one.
3) Go around Bangalore and video some cool stuff like the 'meter long coffee'
4) Start the video mode and play ball with the camera between him and me

In case any of you have suggestions of what you would want to see then please feel free to give your suggestions.

Should have something for you soon. Have already found a way to add videos on to my blog - i intend to use you tube for the same. If anyone of you know of other ways to do the same then do tell me.


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