Monday, February 26, 2007

Punctuation - The Way I See It

Ever since i started penning my thoughts since last year a number of people have given me advice/feedback/support for my style of writing. Which i do not know what it is. But yes one thing which i clearly recognize when i look at my posts is that they are not punctuated well.

When i initially received feedback from a friend whom i shall refer as 'M' that 'there are so many spelling mistakes and errors in your post' i took it rather seriously and started to religiously run spell checkers on my posts before publishing them. To be very truthful i don't enjoy running spell check on my posts because to me its processing my post and i detest that. I like it the way it is - on the face with its imperfections. moreover everything in today's times is processed from food to news to babies so why not stick to the old school and not process this shit which i write - i mean the world really does not need processed shit. Do You ?? :-D

My take on Punctuation -
Whats matters is that you pass the message across - loud and clear, weather or not it is spic and span is not the reason why i write but yes not giving too much feedback on feedback (i see all sapient people reading closely now) i promise over the time you shall see more distinctly clean punctuation. Remember to pay attention to the posts now on and let me know if its improving.


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