Monday, March 05, 2007

India Unbound

Monday, 05 March, 2007
I have been regularly summoned by people for expressing my feelings which can be termed as Anti-Indian. Their point being that when i downplay the current state of affairs in urban India I'm being plain stupid because that leads to the people abroad form an opinion about India which is not right. I disagree but i don't want to argue also.

Presenting Rural India which is kicking ass of urban India on all accounts. I Chanced to watch the Science Safari - Think Beyond program on National Geographic. The program supported by the ministry of science and information technology (not sure about this - forgot to note down) is designed to bring the technological advancements making foray into rural India - btw Rural India stands for 700 million Indians live in 600,000 villages. Read here.

Starting from use of solar energy in form of Solar Bowl at auroville for cooking to cooperating with Daimler Chrysler to derive Bio Fuel from a widely growing type of weed which manifests on the most of the low quality Indian soils to using Sagar Kanya - the shipping vessel which is currently being used to research ocean beds which are rich sources of nodules (rocks high in metallic constituents)

The Program talked about LCA being currently tested for induction in the Indian Air Force to replace the aging Mig's (Bloody Russians ;-)) then shifting the focus on to the GPMT which has been credited with the last two known discoveries associated to Pulsars (FYI: pulsars are remnants of the stars having undergone supernova) the ironic part being the foray of internet in the villages used for education (Project: Ashwini) and its wireless which i'm talking about and here i'm sitting without an internet connection in my house just because the internet company still have not wired the area.

Seeing the program made me secretly wish that i would want to move to one to one of these projects and be a part of the new urbanization of rural India and rush away from the ruralization of the urban India.


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